Interview with MALIBA

MALIBA is a passionate singer-songwriter who weaves together elements of Cinematic Pop and Electro Pop to create a truly epic musical experience. As an introverted soul, MALIBA uses her music to express her thoughts. Her lyrics dive deep into themes such as self-realization, forging one's own path, staying true to oneself, chasing dreams, and cultivating self-love. Embark on a musical adventure with the young artist as she empowers you to embrace your true self, follow your passions, and create your own destiny.


 the interview

How did you discover your passion for music?

I discovered my passion for music as a child. When we were asked to present our dream job at elementary school, I told them that I wanted to be a singer. Later, when I had my first small gigs as a teenager, I realized that music was much more than just a hobby for me.


What inspires you to write songs and what message do you want to convey to your audience with your music?

I never consciously seek inspiration, as I usually write songs when I feel the need and urge to do so, either to process experiences from my own life or to express my thoughts. With my songs, I want to make my listeners think and, above all, encourage them to do their own thing and be who they are.


Which of your songs means the most to you and what does this song mean to you personally?

From Another Galaxy means a lot to me because it shows my most vulnerable and at the same time my strongest side. The song reminds me again and again that my ADD is not just a weakness of mine, but can also be my super power.


Which advice would you give other artists?

Stay true to yourself and do what feels right.

What does MALIBA represent for you? 

I stand for the fact that it is okay to be "different" and to go your own way.

Is there another genre of music you would like to try out?

I try not to think so much in terms of genre, but rather to focus on what the song needs and what feels right for me at that moment. That's why it's not unlikely that my future songs will also have influences from other genres, but what these will be will only emerge intuitively in the songwriting process.

Could you tell us something about your songwriting process?

I prefer to write my songs alone, in my own four walls, where I feel unobserved. When the song is finished, I meet up with my producer in the studio and we work together on the arrangement, the sounds, etc.

Could you share a few spoilers for your next songs with us?

I have a few songs that I'm currently working on. Some of them are about ADD/AD(H)S, but most of them are about empowerment. I would like to release more songs that give you strength and encourage you to write your own story or go your own way.

What is your favorite song at the moment?

Now in summer, I love listening to the song "Put Your Records On" because it's empowering and also the perfect song to warble to myself while I paddle across the lake on my SUP board. I'm also really into musicals at the moment and love listening to the songs from Encanto, Vaiana, Frozen, Aladdin etc.

Is there anything in the music industry that you would like to change?

Yes, I would like to see a gender balance in the music industry.